9 more days to pay day.Few more hours to receiving results. Feeling nervous.Having a bad feeling.Regretted not trying my best to study harder. Or not i dont have to be this worried.Hope baby, my friends and i did well :)Feeling tired everyday. Waking up so early in the morning for nothing. Its like an alarm clock had been inserted into my head that i woke up at 6+ to 7am in the morning everyday. Its so sickening ! D: Having difficulty sleeping also.My phone is having some problems with smsing. Most probably the problem occured after i dropped my phone. Heart ache :( Gonna send it to the hospital soon. Haha.So many days didnt get to see baby. Just wanna say that i miss him so much :)Couldnt think of any more to blog about. Will blog soon again i guess :)Tadaa ~ :)12.54AM