Work work work ~!Seen so many different types of people. Some are truely kind and helpful while the others are bad and nasty. Most are fakers. Fakers as in acting nice in front of you and doing all shit things at the back. Currently working at "Skinny pizza" in Suntec with GS brother while twin and En are at Wheelock place. At start, everyone seemed extremely friendlybut their true colours showed up after a few days. Most of the full timers came from Philippines. Out of the 4 in Suntec, i hate this guy. He acts big and command brother and i to do this and that. What a hoe. Feels like a dog. Hate it so much.One of the bigger post lady from Sg, shared food with everyone except brother and i. Why ? Are we outcasts ? LOL! I was standing right beside her when she fed the others one by one. While giving out samples to passerbys, most Singaporeans are like fucktards ! Fucking ass hole....! I stood beside them like 5 cm away from their arm, holding onto the board, smiling and shouting " Hi ! Would you like to try ? " They just fucking don't see ME ?!?!?!?!?! Blind ? Deaf ? Or retarded in the brain ? I guess its the 3rd one.Wasting my effort ! All the sickos. I just want my pay check !..Hate it when everyone keeps asking me to do things the way they wanted. I have my own life !!!! They always slack and make us busy.. Make drinks for themselves while we cant. AWWW ?One girl name Ria. She is a very nice girl and i like her. She's so helpful to everyone.Yesterday her boyf came to fetch her but he was jealous because he saw her friend working together with her that night. Her boyf is a Singaporean while Ria is a Pinoy.He is 20 this year and is serving the NS, just like my boyf. Character also almost the same huh? No choice..? Ria and her other friends came from the same school, he can't possibly be angry like that. She came to work today with sore eyes. She must have cried so much yesterday. Guys are some how jerks. I pity her.I dont know why im treating my mom like shit these days...She talk to me, i raise my voice and shout at her. Why ??..... She wanted to eat my Oreo cookie and yet i shouted at her " Eh ! This is my Christmas present leh.... fuck " Come to think of it, im really so bad to her. Everyday i tell myself that i'll treat her better tomorrow. But that day never come. Maybe because i just hate her character so much.Hate everything in life.Reached home and asked to borrow money from my auntie aka maid. She keeps money for my dad. I complaint about working on how tired i was and every shit. I wanted to enjoy myself tomorrow on my off day. We talked to each other like a machine gun tryingto fire at each other. Never ending shit. Last week i didnt get to see my boyf.. she tried to point out which day he was not free and which day we can meet. I was so tired to think and i attitude her all the way. So pissed. What for to be so clear ? No time to meet = no time to meet.. Had slight headache and i ended up being bad mood.Came out of the room. Saw my mom sleeping while the tv is switched on. I shouted at her " Oi ! If you want to sleep then go into the room and sleep. Don't sit here and sleep while the tv is on. Dont complaint to me that im the one wasting ur electricity. Its you !"And i walked away with a sucky face.Went into game.... play play play. I accidentally hit baby's char. He killed my char all the way. I got pissed and said " Cb la u ".. And so i returned and kill his char. i knew that he was angry but he claimed that he wasnt. I hate people to lie to me. So pissed with life.I felt guilty of course.. I'm sorry. And I'm so tired today. I want to burst !!! When you said that you wanted to play dota, i thought that dota is so much important to me. Im jealous that you rather play dota than talk to me !Somehow i hate life. I dont understand why my parents wont give me money unless i ask them personally/ borrow money from them. I dont understand why life is so difficult. I dont undertsand why working is so shit. I dont understand why nobody understands me. I just hate life because its totally unfair.1:47AM