Have you ever wondered....
What if being on Earth is not the most wonderful thing you can achieve ?
What if you smiled but your heart felt differently ?
What if you tried to make someone care about you but it fails, what will you do ?
Im feeling insecure, hurt, afraid, unhappy, sobby and whatever it is.
I dont know what to do. My mind just cant stop talking. I cannot control my emotions.
In a huge plain field with only sand. Where should i head to ? Why am i here ?
Who will come and pick me out from here ? How long and how far do i need to get out
of here ? Im missing, does anyone care ? I doubt so...to be forgotten. I deserve it.
Im someone who thinks beyond imaginations, dont come close to me.
I want to spread my wings and fly from a great height until i reach into another world.
A world with no sorrows, no unhappiness but with plenty of love and care.
Abandon me and leave me alone. Lost touch from the bits of love. I think too much.